Is it time for a total roof overhaul? Before you shell out your hard earned cash, make sure you choose a durable, long-lasting option. Most asphalt shingle roofs have a lifespan of 15 to 20 years. Even if you aren’t currently experiencing problems with leaking or discoloration, houses in the same community are often built around the same time, so that if your neighbors’ roofs are reaching the end of their lifespan, yours could follow soon.

Slate, aluminum, steel, and clay roofs all have lifespan of 50-plus years, some lasting up to 200! Upfront cost never tells the whole story. Even though another asphalt shingle roof may seem like a steal per-square foot, when you account for energy inefficiency and the replacement costs in another 15 years, going with a more durable, longer-lasting roof can be a better financial decision as well as more environmentally sound.

As with any larger roofing project, finding a licensed, bonded, and insured contractor for the job is essential. Because of the heaviness of clay and slate, your roof may require additional reinforcement. The right contractor can help you with that decision and others. Be sure to choose a material that looks great, is kind to the environment, keeps bills low, and lasts.