Each year brings about new trends in everything from clothing to food, to designing kitchens. This year, is no different. Kitchen designers are now starting to introduce curved shapes to the kitchen, just like other parts of the house. Gone are the days of sharp and straight looks, as it’s now being replaced by a softer appearance.
The easiest way to add curved shapes and bump up your kitchen with a contemporary look is through the introduction of rounded sinks, maybe bowed cabinets, or even curved faucets. If you can afford a bit more, you should think about adding a curved kitchen island. Some of the high end home design magazines are already featuring curvier kitchens.
Until recently kitchens were designed with a particular style and set of materials but the trend this year is to mix and match materials and styles to get your unique look. An example for you is to blend brick walls with stainless steel cabinets. If you’re really brave, you can use different cabinet styles too. Designers say since the kitchen is such an important room, you really need to fill it with items you really love. One idea is to add some old world romance by adding a chandelier. Nothing is out, if you love it, why not put it in your kitchen!
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