It’s easy to diagnose a leaky roof when stains appear on your ceiling or walls, but it’s much more difficult to find the source. Unless shingles are missing or obviously damaged, the origination of the leak could be hidden as water might enter at one part of the roof and travel before finally soaking in. Even if you do locate the point of entry, deciding whether to replace the shingles or the roofing cement — or both — can often require the expertise of a contractor.
This time of year, as more rain sets in, leaks often appear. Even if you’ve undertaken the dangerous endeavor of using a roof rake or shoveling snow off your roof in mid-winter, melting snow and ice can still cause issues. Most commonly, leaks occur around vents and chimneys or some other area in the roof’s armor.
Making sure that all joints around vents and chimneys are completely sealed is essential. Finding a competent contractor to weather seal your roof can keep it free from further leaks for years to come. Find a certified, licensed roofer to start your project now. You don’t want to wait until a bad leak causes damage to your walls.
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