Erie Construction Co., Erie Construction Mid West
Tagged: energy
For Sale to Sold

If you are really serious about trying to sell your home, local real estate experts whatever you do don’t rush to hire the first realtor you meet. Talk to at least three neighborhood specialists. Ask each listing agent to give you a marketing plan that explains what they will do to market and sell your home. In addition, ask the agents to prepare a comparative market analysis for you.

Next up, you will want to move out bulky and excess furniture. Now, you need to start thinking about making repairs and possibly some updating. Not all resale repairs will pay off. Old, outdated, bathrooms and kitchens are major deal breakers. Buyers nowadays don’t want to think about having to tackle these areas. Not only because of the money involved but the inconvenience as well. Realtors say, potential buyers are also turned off, by a roof that is past its prime. If you really want to impress, a metal roof is sure to do that. Metal Roofs are durable, reliable and are becoming more popular that traditional asphalt roofs. Buyers are sick of replacing traditional asphalt roofs every ten to twenty years. With new metal roofing materials, they can relax because they know it will hold up for years and years to come.   Erie Construction of Evansville, Indiana is a leader in the industry and will come out for free and give you a price you won’t be able to beat anywhere.

Now that you’ve done some updating, you need to make sure your home looks the part. You can hire a professional stager, ask your agent to help stage or stage it yourself. You will get more for your home if it is staged.
Lastly, do not select an agent based on suggested sales price. Some will overbid each other to get the listing. But do not overprice. Homes that are overpriced often sell for less than market value. Good luck!


For more information about metal roofs take a look at this article : “Why Asphalt Roofs are losing the popularity contest.”

Why Asphalt Roofs are losing the popularity contest
| September 10, 2012 | 12:28 PM | Energy Savings, Metal Roof | No comments

Metal roofs used to only be seen on commercial buildings, but now it seems that they are gaining in popularity among homeowners. One reason why is that they are extremely strong and durable. Their toughness meets the strictest codes for wind, fire, and impact. Another big reason to consider this type of roof is energy savings. It is one of the most energy efficient roofing systems available. They are durable and weather resistant, having the highest UL ratings for fire, wind, and impact resistance. Another benefit is that it will last three or more times longer than traditional asphalt shingle roofing.

No matter where you live, summer temps are climbing higher and higher. Another reason, why this type of roof makes sense. Energy Star certified metal roofing materials reflect a high percentage of the sun’s energy back into the atmosphere. What this means is that your attic temperatures will be lower. Traditional, dark asphalt shingle roofs absorb solar radiation, making your attic a very hot place during the summer months. The higher the Energy Star reflectance rating your metal roofs have, the more money you save.

Erie Construction of Evansville, Indiana is a leader in the industry because of the quality product we offer and our low prices. Give us a call so we can meet with you and give you a free estimate. Many of our homeowners say they’re biggest regret, is waiting as long as they did to go metal.

Popular, Energy Saving Roofing Options
| September 3, 2012 | 12:00 AM | Energy Savings, Metal Roof | No comments

No matter where you look, metal roofs are gaining in popularity, and are everywhere! Experts say, metal roofs are growing in popularity for a couple of reasons. Besides the fact that they’re now made in a great many colors and styles, metal roofs are also much more reliable than they used to be years ago. They make a lot of sense for many reasons including the fact that they have a neoprene washer under the head which lasts much longer than the lead-headed nails that were used years ago.

Residential metal roofing is one of the fastest growing segments of home improvement more than quadrupling its market share over the past decade. The benefits offered by today’s metal roofs allow homeowners to upgrade their homes with products of lasting value. While other roofs quickly diminish in value as they age, metal roofs provide the following lasting benefits:

  • Proven performance expectation of 50+ years
  • Beautiful styles to match any home or neighborhood
  • Interlocking panels for maximum wind resistance
  • Fire resistance
  • Energy efficiency by keeping homes cooler
  • Low weight to help preserve structural integrity and life

Local realtors say, potential home buyers get excited when they see a metal roof because they know it will last a long time and requires little to no maintenance. In many instances it can be the deciding factor when it comes to making an offer.

Easy Tips To Reduce Your Carbon Footprint and Save Energy
| August 27, 2012 | 1:38 PM | Energy Savings, Green Lifestyle | No comments

We all know we need to do more to lessen our carbon footprint. But are there ways to do this without going to the extreme of selling your home and moving the family into a tent? Actually, you will be relieved to know that there are easy ways you can go green at home!

Here are a few tips.

  • Set your thermostat a few degrees lower in the winter and a few degrees higher in the summer to save on heating and cooling costs.
  • Install compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFL’s) when your older incandescent bulbs burn out.
  • Save water whenever possible. As much as 85 percent of the energy used to machine-wash clothes goes to heating the water. Use a drying rack or clothesline to save the energy otherwise used during machine drying.
  • Take shorter showers to reduce water use. This will lower your water and heating bills too. Install a low-flow showerhead. They don’t cost much, and the water and energy savings can quickly pay back your investment.
  • Make sure you have a faucet aerator on each faucet. These inexpensive appliances conserve heat and water, while keeping water pressure high.
Ways To Save Money When Deciding On Those Dream House Features
| March 7, 2012 | 9:58 AM | Energy Savings, Home Design, Remodeling | No comments

If you are about to build your dream house, it’s important to make choices that you love, but that don’t break the budget! Let’s talk about a few ways to save money when deciding on those dream house features.

Let’s start with flooring. The most common flooring choices in the family room or great room are carpeting, laminate hardwood, engineered hardwood, or site-finished solid hardwood. Carpet is usually the least expensive option, but may need to be replaced in 5-10 years, due to wear. Hardwood is another popular option. It can be expensive, but with proper care and eventual refinishing, can last for the life of the home. High-quality engineered or laminate floors can cost as much as site-finished natural hardwoods, or even more. It’s important to determine what the best investment is for your budget, initially and long-term.

In today’s homes, fireplaces are chosen more often for their visual appeal and the lure of cozy, romantic winter evenings than for traditional heating imperatives. In 1991, 62% of new homes had a fireplace. By 2007, only 51% of new homes included fireplaces. And most fireplaces today are gas, rather than wood-burning. A full, floor-to-ceiling stone surround can be the most striking focal point in your home. But it can get expensive, so you may also want to consider a ceramic tile fireplace, which can also look beautiful as well. (This will also be a big money saver!)

Now let’s talk about built-ins. Beautiful yes, but their price can definitely add up. A beautiful, furniture grade built-in with lower cabinetry, upper bookshelves, and special places for electronics can really make a room sizzle. But this type of upgrade can cost several thousands of dollars. If you simply can’t afford this, talk to your builder about “framing“ in preparation for future additions.

A higher ceiling can make a home feel a lot larger than it actually is, but it does have its drawbacks. If lower heating and cooling costs and more efficient use of space are more important to you than open space overhead, you might agree with the most recent trends that are replacing wide-open ceilings with a full size bonus room occupying that space. This a good option that will definitely save you on your energy bills.